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Our Tune for July -Rah Rah

Rah Rah

Here’s a short piece of music that will bring joy to your hearts! Rah Rah is an amazing Canadian indie rock group from Saskatchewan that I just discovered and instantly loved. Pssst! A free tune from their most recent album is available on their homepage, right here. Enjoy the happy mood! –Marie-France

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Our tune for March


Spring is almost here and I’m happy to share this song by the Okkervil River band with you. I bet you won’t be able to resist the lively rhythm! This amazing band from Austin, Texas, is really talented! Let’s enjoy the song A Hand to Take Hold of the Scene released in 1997 from the album The Stage Names. –Marie-France


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Our Tune for February


Julie Doiron is a Canadian songwriter and singer who started her career in 1990 when she was 18 years old. Amongst others, she collaborated with the excellent Okkervil River band. Now on her own, her music is sometimes acoustic, sometimes rock but always characterised by her sensitive voice. Her work deserves to be discovered! Here is her song Nice to Come Home from her album I Can Wonder What You Did With Your Day. Cheers! –Marie-France


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Our Tune for January


Let’s start this sparkling year with a song from Bodies Of Water! I have to admit that I love to sing and dance on this one! If you’re a fan of Arcade Fire, you’ll probably fall in love with this Los Angeles band, as they are lovers of American traditional folk, theater and gospel. These two voices are in pure harmony. For a little more of their work, click here. Enjoy! –Marie-France & Stephanie

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