Warehouse Opening Hours:
Starting January 2025, you can visit our Montreal warehouse by appointment only. Email us with your ideal visit day/hour, and we’ll get back to you shortly! 🙂 You can also call us at 438 863-2285
Our online shop is open 24/7 and we are shipping your orders promptly 🙂
The Baba Souk Loft
2019 Moreau Street, Suite #300
(Dial 301 at the door, press the green phone. Stairs are on your right, 3rd Floor)
Montreal, Canada
H1W 2M1
Phone: 438 863-2285
We are located in the HOMA district, 5 minutes from Metro Prefontaine. (There is also parking on the street).Welcome to the Baba loft! The Baba loft is where we work every day. It serves as our showroom and our office space. We are also happy to welcome our clients to visit our Montreal loft. If you prefer “real” shopping rather than ordering online, come over for a visit!We are happy to offer customer services in both English and French. Say Hello or Bonjour!