This is me, trying not to laugh during the photo shoot! I am the crazy lady behind Baba Souk.
Nice to meet you!
(I hate having my picture taken but hey!….presentations are needed!)
After countless MONTHS of hard work, a few periods of doubt, some tears due to fatigue and a whole lot of laughs, here we are, our online boutique is finally up! We’ve traveled around Moroccan markets to bring back colorful handmade products & we’ve come across great artists to collaborate with us. I hope you will enjoy our sweet little shop!
We will be on the lookout for great indie designers & artisans. Baba Souk will bring you lots of unique new products in the months to come. I hope you’ll visit us often and that you’ll enjoy the creative ride!
Get the word out for us & spread the love.
With Gratitude,
Psssssst! French friends, don’t worry. The shop is coming soon in French!
We are still putting our last finishing touches on it.
Psssssst! Mes amies francophones, ne vous inquiètez pas! La boutique version française est sur le point de voir le jour. Quelques mises à jour sont requises avant qu’elle puisse être dévoilée, c’est une capricieuse!
Thanks Nathalie
Félicitation , j’aime ce que t’as fait , c’est du Stéphanie
Steph! Je suis si fière de toi! En plus des superbes produits et du très beau design du site, on sent ta passion et l’énergie contagieuse de cet univers créatif et coloré! Bravoooooooo
Yay! Merciiii. Thank you so much guys.
Congratulations! This is such an exciting/wonderful shop! Just found you through DESIGNLOVEFEST, and I’m glad I did! Especially excited about your “funky accessories” section
PS, really loving your outfit!
Best of luck!
Brooke // justworethis.com
Thank you so very much Brooke! You are so sweet
I’m so glad you like our little boutique.